Kafka Gotchas

I’ve assisted several large clients in building a microservices-style architecture using Kafka as a messaging backbone, having a reasonably good understanding of its abilities and the use cases that really bring them out. But I’m not a Kafka apologist by any stretch; any technology that has gone through such a rapid adoption curve is boundContinue reading “Kafka Gotchas”

Introduction to Event Streaming with Kafka and Kafdrop

Event sourcing, eventual consistency, microservices, CQRS… These are quickly becoming household names in mainstream application development. But do you know what makes them tick? What are the basic building blocks required to assemble complex, business-centric applications from fine-grained services without turning the lot into a big ball of mud? This article examines a fundamental buildingContinue reading “Introduction to Event Streaming with Kafka and Kafdrop”

Kafdrop – An Open-Source Kafka Web UI

As a messaging platform, Kafka needs no introduction. Since its inception, it has virtually rewritten the book on event streaming and has catalysed the adoption of the now household design patterns — microservices, event-sourcing and CQRS. Being such a godsend, it almost gets away with its notorious lack of tooling. You’d be hard-pressed to find a developerContinue reading “Kafdrop – An Open-Source Kafka Web UI”